Wednesday, November 08, 2006
the real enemy
" This is a war between the open late-20th century technology of
the Internet, and the closed early-20th century technology of the
telephone/telegraph networks. The telcos want the Internet as we
know it to die, and they've made great progress toward that goal
simply by shutting down the enforcement that the NSF used to do.
Internet protocols, including SMTP, were designed to be reliable
*if* abusive hosts are promptly disconnected by service providers,
and if abusive service providers are promptly disconnected by
backbone operators. Now, unfortunately, the backbone itself is
operated by abusive entities: a few large companies which never
wanted the open Internet to exist.
In a week or month timeframe, spammers are the enemy. In a
year-to-year timeframe, spammers are just a weapon being wielded
by the real enemy."
- anonymous poster in
the Internet, and the closed early-20th century technology of the
telephone/telegraph networks. The telcos want the Internet as we
know it to die, and they've made great progress toward that goal
simply by shutting down the enforcement that the NSF used to do.
Internet protocols, including SMTP, were designed to be reliable
*if* abusive hosts are promptly disconnected by service providers,
and if abusive service providers are promptly disconnected by
backbone operators. Now, unfortunately, the backbone itself is
operated by abusive entities: a few large companies which never
wanted the open Internet to exist.
In a week or month timeframe, spammers are the enemy. In a
year-to-year timeframe, spammers are just a weapon being wielded
by the real enemy."
- anonymous poster in