Saturday, October 31, 2009


What's with

"Why is my ISP blocking senders?" someone asked on my contact form. I replied:

Hello [name], thanks for filling out the form. Your email address is on the domain. Most of those are outsourced by AT&T to Yahoo Inc. The rest are managed by AT&T internally.

I am fairly sure Yahoo and AT&T do not use my lists. Therefore, I have no control over whether you can receive email from senders.

The domain belongs to Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. According to (very authoritative), Chungwa a/k/a Hinet is the #4 spammer service company in the world. Like most Asian phone companies, they take nationalistic pride in ignoring complaints from the West. (Mainland China and South Korea are equally imperious, and Viet Nam is even worse.) So lots of email systems in the West are blocking Hinet. It is not to make a political statement. We know Hinet does not care, and does not take protesters seriously. It is a simple mechanical defense against the ongoing spam attack by Hinet's spammers.

So you can tell your friends in Taiwan this:
Hinet is what we call a "rogue network." Hinet seems to believe the rules of the Internet do not apply to Hinet. As long as Hinet is on the Spamhaus top ten list, lots of networks all over the world are going to block email from there. Hinet needs to change the way it does business. That is not going to happen fast, so your friends need to use some other company for their email if they want to send reliably.

Best wishes. Sorry to bring you bad news.

-Me in San Jose.

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